FDOT TTC Practice Test

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

We’ve had many request for a practice exam. Unfortunately FDOT does not allow providers to offer any type of FDOT MOT Practice Exam or MOT Practice Test. However, we have created this article to help prepare you to take the Exam and understand the resources that are provided during training. The nice thing about the TTC Exam is that it is open book.

In addition we provide you all the materials needed to reference for the Open Book TTC Exam. Being that it is open book you will have all the FDOT MOT test Answers in the materials we provide.

So as long as you have your training materials and follow along with your instructor you will be prepared for the TTC Exam and not have to worry about taking an TTC Practice Test.

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About FDOT TTC Exams

Even though myTTConline is an approved FDOT TTC Provider, no providers actually create the exam you take. TTC Exams are created by FDOT and are graded by the TTC Administrator. As a provider we facilitate the instruction, proctoring and submission of the exam.

The FDOT TTC exam is multiple choice and there are 50 questions on the Intermediate and Intermediate Refresher.

The Advanced and Advanced Refresher has 60 questions. You must score at least a 70% or higher to be issued a certificate.

This means that on the TTC Intermediate and TTC Intermediate Refresher you can have up to 15 wrong answers and still pass and qualify for your certificate. On the TTC Advanced and TTC Advanced Refresher you can have up to 18 wrong answers.

You can learn more about each of the different courses and the process to get certified by using the links below

The exam is an open book exam and the questions will be based on the Instruction and materials provided for the TTC course you are taking.

These resources include the given PowerPoint for each level. The PowerPoint for the Standard Plans instruction, along with the Standards Plans. Keep in mind that the Standard Plans are typically updated on a yearly basis and are released in July.

It is also important to note that each exam is made up of different questions so no to exams are exactly the same.

FDOT TTC Test Resources

Lets take a closer look at resources mentioned above. The the questions on the exam are based on these training resources.

TTC Couse Level Instructional PowerPoint

All levels of TTC Training utilize an associated PowerPoint that was created by FDOT for each course level, which include

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All attendees will receive a copy of these PowerPoints before the training and you can click on the course levels above to download them. These slides are set up with section to take notes as well.

FDOT Standard Plans PowerPoint

This PowerPoint is used to review section 102-600 of the Standard Plans. These slides are set up with room to take notes. Use the TTC course level links above to down load the FDOT Standard Plans PowerPoint. This PowerPoint is used for questions on the exam.

FDOT Standard Plans

These are the actual Standard Plans that you will use as a reference when creating your Traffic Control Plans, Work Zones and Traffic Management Program.

Here are links to download the current Standard plans 2019-2020. These plans are currently used for instruction and the exam. The 2021-2022 Standard Plans will take effect in July of 2021 for utilization on instruction and Exam. .

Below are links to both versions.

At the time of this article Instruction and exam questions are based on the 2019-2020 Standard Plans and come July of 2021 training and certification will be based on the 2021-22 Standard Plans.

You can learn more about the FDOT Standard Plans and how to use them by clicking this link.

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Frequently Asked Questions About The FDOT TTC Exam

How do I take the FDOT TTC exam online?

Once the class is ready to take the exam, all attendees will be provided a link in the live chat of our training technology. All you have to do is click on the link at it will take you to your exam for the specific training your in. This exam is only available for attendees during exam time and you will not be able to access after the exam is completed.

How is the online exam different then in-person exam?

The exam questions are multiple choice just like the in-person exam. The only difference is that you are selecting your answer online versus filling in a dot on scantron sheet. So if you want to change an answer there is nothing to erase, you simply select another answer. No erase marks that could interfere with the scoring machine.

Do I have a chance to review my answers before I submit my FDOT TTC exam?

Absolutely, we have set it up so that there is 5-7 questions per page just like the in-person exam, once you completed the question you’ll click next to get your next page of questions. Each page has a back button so if you thought of something you want to double check, all you do is click the back button.

Once you’ve completed all the questions, you’ll have a chance to review your answers. After your good with your answers you’ll be asked to verify that you want to submit your exam. Once you have confirmed you will be asked one more time with a warning letting you know that once you hit submit you can no longer go back and change anything. Click Submit and your done. At this time we will confirm with you that we received your exam and let you know that you can exit the meeting.

How many questions are the xam?

as of this writing, April 26th 2021, there are 50 questions on the TTC Intermediate and TTC Intermediate Refresher. The TTC Advanced and TTC Advanced Refresher has 60 questions.

What score do I need to get my certificate?

On all Exams a passing grade is 70% or Higher. This means you can miss up to 15 answers on the Intermediate exams. Can miss up to 18 answers on the Advanced Exam.

What happens if I don’t pass the exam?

FDOT requires that you take the entire course and exam again if you don’t get a 70% or higher. With myTTConline we offer our exclusive One Pay Exam Guarantee. This means that if you don’t pass you can take the corresponding course again with us for no Additional fee. All other Providers charge a fee.

Why do you offer the One Pay Exam Guarantee?

We offer this guarantee because we take full responsibility for your success. It is a testament to our commitment ensuring that you are understanding the materials and fully prepared for the exam. Our instructors take pride in what they do and if you don’t pass they feel that they didn’t do their job and want an opportunity to have you in class again so that they can get it right for you.

How long does it take to get my FDOT MOT Test Results?

There is time from the moment you take your exam and find out if you passed and have access to your certificate from the TTC Administrator. Typically it is about a 10-15 working days. However with our instant pass/fial results we will tell you after taking the exam if you passed or fail.


In conclusion, if you download the training materials for your training level take the time to review them. The use them to follow along during training you will have the information needed to be prepared to take the exam. This helps you avoid having to take an FDOT TTC Practice Test with questions that will not be on your test.

If you take your training with myTTConline and by chance don’t get enough answers correct you can retake the course with us for NO additional charge. This is made possible as we are the ONLY provider offering our One Pay Exam Guarantee.

If you have any questions about FDOT TTC Training or the Exam please reach out to us. We’ve had many attendees that get Exam Anxiety and they have all done well after taking the training with us. We’ve even had many attendees that have taken the exam with other providers and not passed but when they took the training with us they passed.

You can contact us at 407.901.0206, support(at)myttconline.com or use the chat feature in the bottom right corner of your screen Mon-Fri 8am-4pm.

We look forward to seeing you in one of our trainings.

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