Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Need FDOT TTC Advanced certification? In this post we will review the criteria, the steps and provide helpful information to make sure this is the right training for you.


Don’t let the word Advanced in FDOT TTC Advanced Training & Certificate scare you away. We have many individuals shy away from this training simply because of the name. The key difference between the Intermediate and Advanced training is that in the Advanced training we have one additional section.

This section covers temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions. In addition the class is 20hrs vs the 16hrs in the TTC Intermediate. There are 10 extra questions on the exam. In my opinion the TTC Advanced Training is not really any harder then the TTC Intermediate course.

If you chose to go with the Advanced course you will have a higher level of certification which if your business owner can help you with RFPs. Plus if your looking for a job this looks better than just the Intermediate.

Next, lets look at what the FDOT TTC Administrator says about the criteria:

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FDOT TTC Advanced Training & Certificate Criteria

personnel with the authority and responsibility for making decisions on the specific TTC requirements to be implemented. These positions include the following:

– The Professional Engineer responsible for the development of the Transportation Management Plan (TMP) and design of the TTC Plan
The Worksite Traffic Supervisor in accordance with FDOT Standard Specifications, Section 102

– Personnel responsible for supervising the installation, removal and field maintenance of TTC devices, including temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions

-Personnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of temporary traffic control devices, including temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions

How To Get Your FDOT TTC Advanced Certificate

Lest look at the steps to getting your certificate

Time needed: 15 minutes

  1. Find A State Approved TTC Provider

    myTTConline is a State Approved Provider but more can be found on the TTC Admin website

  2. View the Providers Training Schedule & Register

    Click here, to view our upcoming TTC Intermediate training schedule

  3. Take the TTC Advanced Training and Exam

    The Exam is held at the end of day 2 of the training

  4. Get your Certificate Online

    You will be notified via email your score and if it is 70% or higher you will be able to download your certificate from the TTC Admin website. Click here for more details.

  5. TTC Intermediate Certificate Renewal

    Your certificate is good for 4 years and you are required to take a TTC Advanced Refresher course before the expiration date to keep it valid.

Benefits of Getting Certified with myTTConline

There are many Providers offering this training but myTTConline has set out to make this training as easy as possible to obtain. While making sure our attendees truly understand the material.

Her are the top 3 benefits of getting certified with myTTConline.

  • ONE PAY EXAM GUARANTEE. – Our exclusive guarantee ensures that if by chance you don’t get a score of 70% plus on the exam you can retake the course for NO additional fee. You only pay once!
  • STANDARD PLAN CLIFF NOTES. – We provide you with a condensed Standard Plans appendix specifically for your training and exam. This exclusive benefit allows you to focus on the instruction. Not spending time flipping through the 100+ page Standard Plans to follow along.
  • LOGISTICS & CONENIENCE. – All trainings provided are via Virtual Live instruction. Meaning you don’t have to come to a classroom. You can take the training and exam from the comfort of your home or office

What To Do Next

Now that you know the criteria, to getting certified and understand the benefits of having the TTC Advanced Certificate. All that is left is finding a training date that works for you. You can find the dates we have coming up by clicking here.

We hope what we shared is helpful and answered your questions on getting certified. If you have any questions please reach out to us. You can click the chat button in the lower right of your scree to ask questions. You can call us Mon-Friday 8am-4pm at 407.901.0206. Or you can email us at support@myttconline.com

We look forward to seeing you in Virtual Class and be sure to add your comments below…

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Frequently Asked TTC Advanced Questions

How long is a refresher certificate good for?

All certificates are good for 4 years including TTC Refresher certificates

Do I have to take the Intermediate Training first?

Nope. At this time there are no prerequisites to take the TTC Advanced training.

What do I need to take the TTC Advanced Training?

To participate in myTTConline’s virtual training you will need an internet connect device, webcam, microphone(most webcams have this built in.

How long is the TTC Advance Training?

The TTC Advanced training is scheduled for 20hrs over 2 days and includes exam time.

When do I get my exam results?

We submit your exam the day of the Exam to the FDOT TTC Administrator. Exams may take up to 2 weeks to process.

How many questions are there on the exam?

The TTC Advanced exam has 60 questions

What score do I need to pass?

you must score a 70% or higher on your exam to qualify for your certificate.

How to I get my certificate?

Once your exam is graded you will receive an email from the FDOT TTC Administrator with instruction on how to access your certificate to download and print. Click here for more details

What happens if I don’t pass with a 70% or higher

If by chance you don’t get a 70% or higher, you will need to retake the exam. The good news is if you took the course with us your protected by our One Pay Exam Guarantee, meaning you will not have to pay again to retake the refresher course. IMPORTANT!!! if your certificate expires prior to retaking the exam you will have to take the regular course again. if this happens we will credit you towards the fee for the regular course the full amount of the refresher cost you paid.

Can I take the TTC Advanced in Spanish

The FDOT does not permit providers of TTC training to offer the class in any language other than English. You may ask why? The answer is that the 600 series design standards, which are essentially the backbone of the entire MOT process are written in English and require a person who can fluently speak and read English.

Is there special accommodations for TTC training and exams?

No. Public Safety is at stake and any person responsible for Temporary Traffic Control must be able to comprehend course material and writing.

Can I get CEU/PDH Credit if I’m an engineer

Yes, myTTConline will provide you a separate certificate detailing credit for 20 hours.

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