FDOT TTC Updates for 2021 presentation by Derwood Sheppard P.E., State Standard Plans Engineer. These updates are in effect as of January 2021 but will not be released for training until July 2021. myTTConline training material will be updated in July of 2021. please make sure to make yourself aware of the current changes. There are links below at the bottom of this post to download the FDOT Standard Plans 2021-22.

FDOT TTC UPDATES provided by Derwood Sheppard P.E., State Standard Plans Engineer

The First Reasons For The FDOT TTC Updates Are For IMPROVED SAFETY.

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Here are some insights for improved safety:

  • Florida Ranks 2nd in the Nation in Work Zone Fatalities
  • Florida is a focus State for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
  • FDOT has made and Emphasis on Area for their Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP)
  • Between 2016 and 2017 WZ Fatalities increased by 3% while others decreased…
FDOT TTC Updates fatality information including Standard Plan updates.
FDOT TTC Fatality Stats From 2009-2018

Secondly, FDOT Wants To Address Inadequacies With These FDOT TTC Updates

  • Primarily Construction Contract Plans Issue
  • Contract Plan Detail Not Sufficient or Not Provided
  • Confusion between Designer and Contract Responsibilities
  • Reliance on Standard Plans
  • Misapplied Standard Plans
  • Inconsistencies between Standard Plans
  • Not Accommodating ALL USERS (i.e., Bike/Pedestrians)
  • Construction Claims and Pay item Overruns

Relevant Documents Reviewed In This Presentation Include:

  • FDOT TTC Standard Plans
    • Index 102-200 – General Info
    • Rudimentary TTC Applications
  • Standard Specifications
    • Maintenance Specifications
  • FDOT Design Manual (FDM)
  • Contract Plans (i.e., TTC Plans)

Importance of Using ALL Relevant Documents

FDOT TTC Standard Plans and Specifications MUST Work Together

Examples of Requirements in Specification:

  • MUTCD Referenced for Conditions Not Addressed
  • Requirement to maintain Business/Residences Entrances
  • Vehicle Equipment Visibility
  • Traffic Control Officer
  • Traffic Control Device requirements (i.e., Crashworthiness, PCMS, deployment, Arrow Board requirements, TMA Test Level, Retroreflective requirements, Pavement marking requirements)
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Components of the Changes In the FDOT TTC Standard Plans 2021-22

  • Information Resources
    • Review Comments & Responses
    • Markups/Redlines (Review Package)
    • TTC Changes Summary
    • Revision Log
    • Crosswalks
  • Primary Changes
    • Consolidation & Avoid Redundancy
    • Consistency
    • Removal of Antiquated Applications
    • Standard Plans Instruction (SPI)

General Overview of FDOT TTC Update Presentation Include:

Specific Changes”

  • Consolidated Tables
    • Channelizing Device Spacing
    • Taper Lengths
      • Merging = L, Shifting = L/2, & Shoulder = L/3
    • Sign Spacing
    • Buffer Length (minimum
    • Quick reference
  • Duration & Condition Notes
  • General Notes (Cross-Referencing)
  • Shoulders & Should Closed Signs

To view the new updates Click Here

To download the complete FDOT Standard Plans 2021-22 Click Here


If you need FDOT TTC Certification or Just need to refresh your current certificate before it expires use the links below

Click to view Upcoming Intermediate Training

Click to view Upcoming Intermediate Refresher Training

Click to view Upcoming Advanced Training

Click to view Upcoming Advanced Refresher Training


As you can see there are numerous changes in the updated FDOT TTC Standard Plans 2021-22 that are reviewed in this update from FDOT.

If you have any questions regarding these changes please feel free to reach out to us and we can put you in touch with one of our approved instructors to answer your FDOT TTC questions. There is NO charge for this service, we are here to help you work confidently and safely in your work zones.

Thank you for taking the time to keep updated on the FDOT TTC Requirements.

You can reach us at 407.901.0206 or emails is support@myttconline.com

Florida MOT Ultimate Resource Guide

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