TTC Advanced Refresher 03/21/2025
TTC Advanced Refresher 03/21/2025
This TTC Advanced Refresher 03/21/2025 is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a […]
This TTC Advanced Refresher 03/21/2025 is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a […]
You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course.
YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us.
YES, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date.
YES, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads.
We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped.
We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online.
Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association.
Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees.
We’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers, you can read this by clicking here.
myTTConline is Florida’s #1 virtual live training provider. We are the only provider to offer a 100% Guarantee. We offer this because we do not want you to risk your hard earned money. We are very proud and thankful for our 5 out 5 stars on multiple review websites. We strive to make your experience with FDOT TTC training the best it can be with our full professional video studio and experienced trainers. Give us a try for your MOT training and if you don’t pass we will happily refund 100% of your money.
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