BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//myTTConline - ECPv6.10.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:myTTConline X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for myTTConline REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20240310T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20241103T060000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 TZNAME:EDT DTSTART:20250309T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20251102T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250327T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250328T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241203T195135Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250324T192521Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Training 03/27-28/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training 03/27-28/2025 is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. The TTC Advanced Training 03/27-28/2025 will cover all necessary topics for the certification exam. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClick the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Secondly\, click “Get Tickets” button to continue. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout The TTC Advanced Training 03/27-28/2025The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.There are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:This is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect With The TTC Advanced Training 03/27-28/2025 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: At 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. Login at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Advanced Training Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you recvieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the training? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Certification Process For?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250321T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250321T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241209T152621Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250318T111655Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Refresher 03/21/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Refresher 03/21/2025 is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou CANNOT take this training if your TTC Advanced certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options at 1-407-901-0206 if this is the case. Verify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons for the number of tickets you want. Secondly\, click the “Get Tickets” button at the bottom to complete the registration and payment process. \n\n\n\n\n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Advanced Refresher 03/21/2025\n\nThis recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Advanced Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. \n\nWe review changes made to the Standard Plans index 600 and MUTCD that affect your traffic control operations. We also review Work Zone safe practices. \n\nYou can take this course as long as your Advanced Certificate is current and not expired. Course length:\n\nThis is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Advanced Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect – TTC Advanced Refresher 03/21/2025\n\nWe’ve outlined the 1 day training below. \n\nAt 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. \n\nLogin at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. \n\nYou can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Advanced Refresher ExamTTC Advanced Refresher Training Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241209T161137Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250318T111653Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Refresher 03/20/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Refresher 03/20/2025 is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou CANNOT take this training if your TTC Intermediate certificate expires before this training date.Call us to discuss options at 1-407-901-0206 if this is the case. Verify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons for the number of tickets you want. Secondly\, click the “Get Tickets” button at the bottom to complete the registration and payment process. \n\n\n\n\n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Intermediate Refresher 03/20/2025\n\nThis recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Intermediate Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. \n\nThe Intermediate Refresher class will reiterate methods in creating safe work zones on public roads and highways. \n\nYou can take this course as long as your Intermediate Certificate is current and not expired before this date. Course length:\n\nThis is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Intermediate Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect – TTC Intermediate Refresher 03/20/2025\n\nWe’ve outlined the 1 day training below. \n\nAt 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. \n\nLogin at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. \n\nYou can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBeak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Intermediate Refresher ExamTTC Intermediate Refresher Training Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250314T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241209T200158Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250310T193507Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Training 03/13-14/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training 03/13-14/2025 is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons for the number of tickets you want. Secondly\, click the “Get Tickets” button at the bottom to complete the registration and payment process. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIncluded with Every Registration\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout TTC Advanced Training 03/13-14/2025\n\nThe FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. \n\nThe FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: \n\nThe Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nThere are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:\n\nThis is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect – TTC Advanced Training 03/13-14/2025\n\nWe’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: \n\nAt 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. \n\nLogin at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Advanced Training Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you recvieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the training? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Advanced Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250306T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250307T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241203T204534Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250303T210614Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Training 03/06-07/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Training 03/06-07/2025 is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout The TTC Intermediate Training 03/06-07/2025The FDOT TTC Intermediate training will teach attendees the necessary knowledge to provide a safe environment in areas where workers and transportation modes compete for common or adjacent space.​​ ​​The MOT Intermediate Training course is required if you participate in any of the following activities bellow: Responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, excluding temporary barriers.\n\nResponsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of MOT devices\, excluding temporary barriersCourse length:This is an 16hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years.\n\nYou can renew your Intermediate Certificate with an MOT Intermediate Refresher training before your MOT Certificate expiresWhat To Expect With The TTC Intermediate Training 03/06-07/2025We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Intermediate Training Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Certification Process?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Intermediate Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250228T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241210T144042Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250224T195950Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Training 02/27-28/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training 02/27-28/2025 is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons for the number of tickets you want. Secondly\, click the “Get Tickets” button at the bottom to complete the registration and payment process. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nIncluded with Every Registration\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout TTC Advanced Training 02/27-28/2025\n\nThe FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. \n\nThe FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: \n\nThe Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nThere are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:\n\nThis is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect With TTC Advanced Training 02/27-28/2025\n\nWe’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: \n\nAt 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. \n\nLogin at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Advanced Training Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you recvieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the training? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Advanced Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250221T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241203T193449Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241210T141441Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Training 02/20-21/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training 02/20-21/2025 is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClick the “+” or “-” buttons above for the amount of tickets you want to purchaser\, then click “Get Tickets” button to continue. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout The TTC Advanced Training 02/20-21/2025The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.There are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:This is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect With The TTC Advanced Training 02/20-21/2025 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: At 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. Login at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Advanced Training – Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you recieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the training? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Certification Process For?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241205T182145Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250103T164333Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Refresher 02/14/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Refresher is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou CANNOT take this training if your TTC Advanced certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options at 1-407-901-0206 if this is the case. Verify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons for the number of tickets you want. Secondly\, click the “Get Tickets” button at the bottom to complete the registration and payment process. \n\n\n\n\n\nIncluded with Every Registration\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Advanced Refresher 02/14/2025This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Advanced Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. We review changes made to the Standard Plans index 600 and MUTCD that affect your traffic control operations. We also review Work Zone safe practices. You can take this course as long as your Advanced Certificate is current and not expired. Course length:\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThis is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nThe Exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Advanced Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The TTC Advanced Refresher 02/14/2025We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Advanced Refresher ExamTTC Advanced Refresher Training Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250213T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241209T160209Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250116T165521Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Refresher 02/13/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Refresher 02/13/2025 is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou CANNOT take this training if your TTC Intermediate certificate expires before this training date.Call us to discuss options at 1-407-901-0206 if this is the case. Verify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons for the number of tickets you want. Secondly\, click the “Get Tickets” button at the bottom to complete the registration and payment process. \n\n\n\n\n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Intermediate Refresher 02/13/2025\n\nThis recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Intermediate Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. \n\nThe Intermediate Refresher class will reiterate methods in creating safe work zones on public roads and highways. \n\nYou can take this course as long as your Intermediate Certificate is current and not expired before this date. Course length:\n\nThis is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Intermediate Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect – TTC Intermediate Refresher 02/13/2025\n\nWe’ve outlined the 1 day training below. \n\nAt 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. \n\nLogin at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. \n\nYou can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBeak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Intermediate Refresher ExamTTC Intermediate Refresher Training Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250206T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250207T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241203T203004Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250205T200803Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Training 02/6-7/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. Join us for TTC Intermediate Training 02/6-7/2025. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout The TTC Intermediate Training 02/6-7/2025The FDOT TTC Intermediate training will teach attendees the necessary knowledge to provide a safe environment in areas where workers and transportation modes compete for common or adjacent space.​​ ​​The MOT Intermediate Training course is required if you participate in any of the following activities bellow: Responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, excluding temporary barriers.\n\nResponsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of MOT devices\, excluding temporary barriersCourse length:This is an 16hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years.\n\nYou can renew your Intermediate Certificate with an MOT Intermediate Refresher training before your MOT Certificate expiresWhat To Expect With The TTC Intermediate Training 02/6-7/2025We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Intermediate Training Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Certification Process?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Intermediate Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250130T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250131T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241203T181017Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250205T200235Z SUMMARY:MOT Advanced Training on - 01/30-31/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. Don’t miss the MOT Advanced Training on 01/30-31/2025 for a thorough and engaging educational experience. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClick the “+” or “-” buttons above for the amount of tickets you want to purchaser\, then click “Get Tickets” button to continue. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout TTC Advanced Training on 01/30-31/2025The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.There are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:This is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.TTC Advanced Training on 01/30-31/2025\, What to Expect We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is 2.5 days so we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: At 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. Login at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Advanced Training – Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Certification Process For?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250124T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250124T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241205T161223Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250116T165636Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Refresher 01/24/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Refresher 01/24/2025 is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou CANNOT take this training if your TTC Advanced certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options at 1-407-901-0206 if this is the case. Verify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons for the number of tickets you want. Secondly\, click the “Get Tickets” button at the bottom to complete the registration and payment process. \n\n\n\n\n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Advanced Refresher 01/24/2025This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Advanced Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. We review changes made to the Standard Plans index 600 and MUTCD that affect your traffic control operations. We also review Work Zone safe practices. You can take this course as long as your Advanced Certificate is current and not expired. Course length:This is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Advanced Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The TTC Advanced Refresher 01/24/2025We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak 1\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak 2\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Advanced Refresher ExamTTC Advance Refresher Training Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250123T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250123T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241209T154105Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241209T155058Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Refresher 01/23/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Refresher 01/23/2025 is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou CANNOT take this training if your TTC Intermediate certificate expires before this training date.Call us to discuss options at 1-407-901-0206 if this is the case. Verify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons for the number of tickets you want. Secondly\, click the “Get Tickets” button at the bottom to complete the registration and payment process. \n\n\n\n\n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Intermediate Refresher 01/23/2025\n\nThis recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Intermediate Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. \n\nThe Intermediate Refresher class will reiterate methods in creating safe work zones on public roads and highways. \n\nYou can take this course as long as your Intermediate Certificate is current and not expired before this date. Course length:\n\nThis is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Intermediate Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect – TTC Intermediate Refresher 01/23/2025\n\nWe’ve outlined the 1 day training below. \n\nAt 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. \n\nLogin at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. \n\nYou can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBeak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Intermediate Refresher ExamTTC Intermediate Refresher Training Frequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250116T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250117T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241203T201710Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241216T175255Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Training 01/16-17/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Training 01/16-17/2025 is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout The TTC Intermediate Training 01/16-17/2025The FDOT TTC Intermediate training will teach attendees the necessary knowledge to provide a safe environment in areas where workers and transportation modes compete for common or adjacent space.​​ ​​The MOT Intermediate Training course is required if you participate in any of the following activities bellow: Responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, excluding temporary barriers.\n\nResponsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of MOT devices\, excluding temporary barriersCourse length:This is an 16hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years.\n\nYou can renew your Intermediate Certificate with an MOT Intermediate Refresher training before your MOT Certificate expiresWhat To Expect With The TTC Intermediate Training 01/16-17/2025We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Intermediate Training Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Certification Process?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Intermediate Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250109T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250110T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241119T183507Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241210T135457Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Training - 01/09-10/2025 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training – 01/09-10/2025 is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClick the “+” or “–” buttons above for the amount of tickets you want to purchaser\, then click “Get Tickets” button to continue. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout The TTC Advanced Training on 01/09-10/2025The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.There are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:This is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect With TTC Advanced Training on 01/09-10/2025We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: At 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. Login at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)TTC Advanced Training – Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The Advanced Certification Process For the?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. REGISTRATER FOR THIS TRAINING URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241212T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241213T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240304T155135Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241209T175901Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Training on 12/12-13/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout MOT Certification For The TTC Intermediate Training on 12/12-13/2024The FDOT TTC Intermediate training will teach attendees the necessary knowledge to provide a safe environment in areas where workers and transportation modes compete for common or adjacent space.​​ ​​The MOT Intermediate Training course is required if you participate in any of the following activities bellow: Responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, excluding temporary barriers.\n\nResponsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of MOT devices\, excluding temporary barriersCourse length:This is an 16hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years.\n\nYou can renew your Intermediate Certificate with an MOT Intermediate Refresher training before your MOT Certificate expiresWhat To Expect With The MOT / TTC Intermediate Training on 12/12-13/2024 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Intermediate Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Intermediate Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241211T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241211T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240313T182234Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240325T142432Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Refresher on 12/11/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Refresher is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou cannot take this training if your TTC Intermediate certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options 1.407.901.0206 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nVerify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Intermediate Refresher on 12/11/2024This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Intermediate Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. The Intermediate Refresher class will reiterate methods in creating safe work zones on public roads and highways. You can take this course as long as your Intermediate Certificate is current and not expired before this date. Course length:This is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Intermediate Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Intermediate Refresher Training on 12/11/2024 We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Intermediate Refresher ExamFrequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241205T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241206T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240131T155840Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241119T195653Z SUMMARY:MOT Advanced Training on 12/05-06/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClick the “+” or “-” buttons above for the amount of tickets you want to purchaser\, then click “Get Tickets” button to continue. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout MOT Certification For The TTC Advanced Training on 12/05-06/2024The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.There are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:This is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Advanced Training on 12/05-06/2024 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: At 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. Login at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Advanced Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241204T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241204T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240304T180449Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240304T180452Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Refresher on 12/04/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Refresher is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou cannot take this training if your TTC Advanced date certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options 1.407.901.0206 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nVerify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your CertificateWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Advanced Refresher on 11/15/2024This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Advanced Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. We review changes made to the Standard Plans index 600 and MUTCD that affect your traffic control operations. We also review Work Zone safe practices. You can take this course as long as your Advanced Certificate is current and not expired. Course length:This is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Advanced Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Advanced Refresher Training on 11/15/2024 We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Advanced Refresher ExamFrequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241121T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241122T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240304T154038Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241115T141148Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Training on 11/21-22/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout MOT Certification For The TTC Intermediate Training on 11/21-22/2024The FDOT TTC Intermediate training will teach attendees the necessary knowledge to provide a safe environment in areas where workers and transportation modes compete for common or adjacent space.​​ ​​The MOT Intermediate Training course is required if you participate in any of the following activities bellow: Responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, excluding temporary barriers.\n\nResponsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of MOT devices\, excluding temporary barriersCourse length:This is an 16hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years.\n\nYou can renew your Intermediate Certificate with an MOT Intermediate Refresher training before your MOT Certificate expiresWhat To Expect With The MOT / TTC Intermediate Training on 11/21-22/2024 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Intermediate Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Intermediate Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241115T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241115T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240304T174124Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240304T174458Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Refresher on 11/15/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Refresher is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou cannot take this training if your TTC Advanced date certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options 1.407.901.0206 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nVerify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your CertificateWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Advanced Refresher on 11/15/2024This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Advanced Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. We review changes made to the Standard Plans index 600 and MUTCD that affect your traffic control operations. We also review Work Zone safe practices. You can take this course as long as your Advanced Certificate is current and not expired. Course length:This is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Advanced Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Advanced Refresher Training on 11/15/2024 We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Advanced Refresher ExamFrequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241114T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241114T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240313T181731Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240325T142424Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Refresher on 11/14/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Refresher is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou cannot take this training if your TTC Intermediate certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options 1.407.901.0206 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nVerify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Intermediate Refresher on 11/14/2024This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Intermediate Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. The Intermediate Refresher class will reiterate methods in creating safe work zones on public roads and highways. You can take this course as long as your Intermediate Certificate is current and not expired before this date. Course length:This is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Intermediate Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Intermediate Refresher Training on 11/14/2024 We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Intermediate Refresher ExamFrequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241107T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241108T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240131T155615Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241029T121832Z SUMMARY:MOT Advanced Training on 11/07-08/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClick the “+” or “-” buttons above for the amount of tickets you want to purchaser\, then click “Get Tickets” button to continue. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout MOT Certification For The TTC Advanced Training on 11/07-08/2024The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.There are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:This is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Advanced Training on 11/07-08/2024 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: At 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. Login at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Advanced Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241024T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241025T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20241011T141910Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241018T144909Z SUMMARY:MOT Advanced Training - 10/24-25/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClick the “+” or “-” buttons above for the amount of tickets you want to purchaser\, then click “Get Tickets” button to continue. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout MOT Certification For The TTC Advanced Training on 10/24-25/2024The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.There are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:This is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Advanced Training on 10/24-25/2024 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: At 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. Login at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Advanced Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241017T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241018T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240304T153344Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241016T142902Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Training on 10/17-18/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout MOT Certification For The TTC Intermediate Training on 10/17-18/2024The FDOT TTC Intermediate training will teach attendees the necessary knowledge to provide a safe environment in areas where workers and transportation modes compete for common or adjacent space.​​ ​​The MOT Intermediate Training course is required if you participate in any of the following activities bellow: Responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, excluding temporary barriers.\n\nResponsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of MOT devices\, excluding temporary barriersCourse length:This is an 16hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years.\n\nYou can renew your Intermediate Certificate with an MOT Intermediate Refresher training before your MOT Certificate expiresWhat To Expect With The MOT / TTC Intermediate Training on 10/17-18/2024 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Intermediate Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Intermediate Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241010T073000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241011T183000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240131T155352Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240920T161430Z SUMMARY:MOT Advanced Training on 10/10-11/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nClick the “+” or “-” buttons above for the amount of tickets you want to purchaser\, then click “Get Tickets” button to continue. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout MOT Certification For The TTC Advanced Training on 10/03-04/2024The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced Training should be taken if you are the required personnel with responsibility or authority to to decide on the specific Temporary Traffic Control requirements that need to be implemented. The FDOT TTC / MOT Advanced certification course is required for all individuals with the following duties listed below: The Engineer responsible for the work zone traffic control plan development\n\nThe work zone traffic control Supervisor\n\nPersonnel responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.\n\nPersonnel responsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of traffic control devices\, including temporary barriers.There are NO prerequisites to take this course. Course length:This is an 20hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYour have 2 hrs to complete the open book exam\n\nThe exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years. \n\nYou can renew your Advanced Certificate with an MOT Advanced Refresher course before your MOT Certificate expires.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Advanced Training on 10/03-04/2024 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. This training is typically 2.5 days but we have added hours to both days to complete in 2 days: At 4:ooam you will get an email with the training details and the link to the training. Login at 7:15am to start roll call and ID verification process Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Advanced Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Advanced Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241004T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241004T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240304T173503Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240304T175456Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Refresher on 10/4/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Refresher is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou cannot take this training if your TTC Advanced date certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options 1.407.901.0206 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nVerify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your CertificateWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Advanced Refresher on 10/04/2024This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Advanced Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. We review changes made to the Standard Plans index 600 and MUTCD that affect your traffic control operations. We also review Work Zone safe practices. You can take this course as long as your Advanced Certificate is current and not expired. Course length:This is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Advanced Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Advanced Refresher Training on 10/043/2024 We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Advanced Refresher ExamFrequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20241003T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20241003T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240313T180358Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240325T142417Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Refresher on 10/03/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Refresher is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou cannot take this training if your TTC Intermediate certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options 1.407.901.0206 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nVerify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your Certificate\n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Intermediate Refresher on 10/03/2024This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Intermediate Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. The Intermediate Refresher class will reiterate methods in creating safe work zones on public roads and highways. You can take this course as long as your Intermediate Certificate is current and not expired before this date. Course length:This is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Intermediate Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Intermediate Refresher Training on 10/03/2024 We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Intermediate Refresher ExamFrequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Intermediate Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240919T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240920T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240304T152220Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240909T124111Z SUMMARY:TTC Intermediate Training on 09/19-20/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Intermediate Training is a virtual live training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout MOT Certification For The TTC Intermediate Training on 08/01-02/2024The FDOT TTC Intermediate training will teach attendees the necessary knowledge to provide a safe environment in areas where workers and transportation modes compete for common or adjacent space.​​ ​​The MOT Intermediate Training course is required if you participate in any of the following activities bellow: Responsible for supervising the placement and field maintenance of traffic control devices\, excluding temporary barriers.\n\nResponsible for inspection of the placement or operational function of MOT devices\, excluding temporary barriersCourse length:This is an 16hr training including exam time\, held over 2 days\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 50 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nYour MOT Certification is good for 4 years.\n\nYou can renew your Intermediate Certificate with an MOT Intermediate Refresher training before your MOT Certificate expiresWhat To Expect With The MOT / TTC Intermediate Training on 08/01-02/2024 We’ve outlined the 2 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTables 1- 4 Workshopping\n\nDay 2\n\nReview of previous days training \n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT Standard Plans 102-600 PowerPoint\n\nReview all applications Indexes \n\nLunch\n\nTTC Set Up and Removal Workshop\n\nQ & A\n\nBreak\n\nExam (Once we’ve verified receipt of your exam\, we will let you know and you log off of the training\,)Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you revieve your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trianing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The MOT Certification Process For the Intermediate Certificate?We’ve created a detailed article on the entire FDOT Intermediate Certification Process. It includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Intermediate ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20240913T080000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20240913T170000 DTSTAMP:20250328T145005 CREATED:20240304T172634Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240304T174910Z SUMMARY:TTC Advanced Refresher on 09/13/2024 DESCRIPTION:This TTC Advanced Refresher is a Virtual Live Training held over the internet and you will login from a desktop or laptop computer with a webcam to participate from your home or office. \n\nYou cannot take this training if your TTC Advanced date certificate expires before this training date. Call us to discuss options 1.407.901.0206 \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst\, click the “+” or “-” buttons above for the number of tickets you want to purchaser. Then\, click the “Get Tickets” button to checkout. \n\nIncluded with Every Registration:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n\nVerify or Find Your Certificate Number & Expiration Date\n\nClick the button below to go to the FDOT Administrator website to verify your certificate number and expiration date. This will open a new tab in your web browser and keep this tab open. Once you verify your certificate you can click back on this tab in your browser to registers and checkout. \n\nClick To Verify Your CertificateWhat Others Are Saying About Their Experience\n\nAbout the TTC Advanced Refresher on 09/13/2024This recertification training is for individuals that need to extend their Advanced Certificate. This gives you a 4 year extension on your certificate. We review changes made to the Standard Plans index 600 and MUTCD that affect your traffic control operations. We also review Work Zone safe practices. You can take this course as long as your Advanced Certificate is current and not expired. Course length:This is an 8hr training including exam time\, held over 1 day\n\nYou have 2 hrs to complete the Exam\n\nThe Exam is 60 questions and you must achieve a 70% or more to qualify for your certificate\n\nThe TTC Advanced Refresher extends your certification for another 4 years from the exam date.What To Expect With The MOT / TTC Advanced Refresher Training on 09/13/2024 We’ve outlined the 1 day training below. At 4:ooam you will get an email to the email you registered with under the attendee information you provided. Your Training details and link to this training will be included in this email. Login at 7:45am to To test your Zoom and make sure your camera and mic are working. You can test Zoom on your computer by clicking the this link before training: Day 1\n\nOverview and review of meeting software and how to use it.\n\nComplete the online FDOT TTC Training Roster (we walk you through this)\n\nReview of the agenda and timeline for training\n\nFormal Introduction of your Instructor and attendees\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nBreak\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nLunch\n\nTraining from FDOT PowerPoint\n\nSetup and removal of Traffic Control Workshopping\n\nBreak\n\nOnline Advanced Refresher ExamFrequently Asked QuestionsCan I take a Refresher course for deferent level of Certification? You can only take a Refresher Course that is equal to your current certification. Even if you have an Advanced Certification you CANNOT take the Intermediate Refresher course and you would have to take the Advanced Refresher Course. Is the 100% Money Back Guarantee Real? YES. We honor our clients by allowing them to request a 100% of their money they paid for a training if they do not pass their exam and they do not want to retake their training again with us. Can I really reschedule a training as many times as I need? YES\, Simply call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at support@myttconline to move your training to another date that is on our online calendar. You can reschedule a regular Intermediate or Advanced training as many times as you need with no fee. For Refresher trainings we can only move you to a refresher training that is scheduled on or before your certificate expiration date. We CANNOT extend your Certificate expiration date. Is it true that Classes Are Never Cancelled*? YES\, However may be required to cancel a scheduled training on the calendar if there is extrema weather that cuts out power or our internet connection or we are required to be off the roads. How do I get my physical and electronic training materials? We will ship out your training materials to the shipping address provided during the check out process. If you registered multiple attendees and materials need to be shipped to other addresses you can provide the name and address of the attendee in the notes section on the checkout page. You may also call us at 407.901.0206 or email us at to let us know where materials need to be shipped. How do I complete the Open Book Exam? We will supply you a link to access the secure exam prior to taking it. The link for the exam will only be active at the begging of the exam. You will use any of your notes and training materials to complete the exam online. How do I get my FREE PDH credit certificate? Once you receive your TTC certificate from the FDOT Administrator\, simply email us and we will email your certificate to you. The certificate will show the hrs for the level of training you took. On Advanced trainings we are restricted to 16hrs of credit as we can only provide a maximum of 8hrs a day per The Professional Engineers Association. Do I have to be in an office or home to take the trialing? Yes. While this is a remote live virtual training which you can access from any internet connection\, it is important that we provide everyone a professional experience. Everyone should be in a professional private setting. This means you should NOT be in a vehicle\, outside or any other place that can cause distractions in the background for you or other attendees. Have More Questions On The TTC Advanced Refresher Training ProcessWe’ve created a detailed post on the entire FDOT Refresher Process. It also includes popular questions with answers\, you can read this by clicking here. URL: LOCATION:TTC Virtual Live Training\, Zoom\, - Online Only\, FL\, United States CATEGORIES:Advanced Refresher ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/webp: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR